Frequently Asked Questions

The anti-counterfeiting whistleblowing hotline manages and follow-ups any complaint. The result of the complaint submitted by PT Integrity Indonesia can be used as a tool to report any violation of intellectual property rights.

Intellectual property is a category of property that includes intangible creations of the human intellect. The main purpose of intellectual property law is to encourage the creation of a large variety of intellectual goods. To achieve this, the law gives people and businesses property rights to the information and intellectual goods they create, usually, only for a limited period of time. This gives economic incentives for their creation because it allows people to profit from the information and intellectual goods they create.

Consumer protection law or consumer law is considered as an area of law that regulates private law relationships between individual consumers and businesses that sell those goods and services. It’s a way of preventing fraud and scams from service and sales contracts, eligible fraud, bill collector regulation, pricing, utility turnoffs, consolidation, and personal loans that may lead to bankruptcy.

A report can be submitted by sending an email or letter to the address provided or through our website by logging into your account. Unregistered parties may also create a new account.

We will respond by initially confirming that the report has been received. PT Integrity Indonesia will then notify the latest action conducted pertaining to the report.

Responses will be processed within 30 days starting from the day of the receipt of report. Reports submitted via airmail will be responded only when the whistleblower provided a clear identity (at least the name and address of the whistleblower). Reports submitted through other channels will be responded based on the identity of the whistleblower on the channel used.

Submitted reports will be responded. Reports will be updated automatically in accordance to the response provided by the receiver of the report.

To see the report and its response, the whistleblower needs to login using his/her registered username on the site. The whistleblower is then able to see the status of the report as well as the history in accordance with the report registered number. In most cases, a report will be responded sooner if it meets the components needed to address it.
Your identity as a whistleblower will be treated confidentially. You can also set the level of confidentiality of your identity when submitting a report.
It is not necessary. One username can submit more than one report. After a whistleblower submitted a report, he/she can make additional reports related to violation, noncompliance and/or dissatisfaction by choosing the “add more report” option. Each report will get a unique report registered number.
The information previously reported cannot be changed, but you can share additional information by uploading documents, photos, videos or other files deemed necessary. Each must have a maximum size of 10 MB. To upload files, you do not need to create a new report. Uploading additional files can be done by logging into your account and continuing to the reporting page. Subsequently, you can specifically choose the report that you want to be updated with additional files. Just click on the “add additional file” button located on the lower side of the report detail.

Your data will be deleted in the following cases:

  • Upon request from Canary’s client
  • At the end of the contract between Canary operator and our client
  • Upon request of whistleblower in case whistleblower has provided his/her personal data